BrahMos Aerospace in Technofest '09
Express Buzz (May 14, 2009) Print This NewsTHIRUVANANTHAPURAM: From Aryabhatta to Chandrayaan; from pedal-operated grinder-cum-exercise machine to programmable hearing aid. It’s every techno freak’s dream come true under one roof. The destination under dis ussion is the Technofest ‘09 being organised by the Hindustan Latex Ltd (HLL) Lifecare Limited at their Recreation Club Hall, Peroorkada.
Technology - the human innovation in action - is truly visible here. The stalls are put by VSSC, Brahmos Aerospace Ltd, Regional Cancer Centre, Agency for Non-conventional Energy and Rural Technology
(ANERT), College of Engineering, Thiruvananthapuram, Government Engineering College, Barton Hill, Centre for Developing and Advanced Computing (C-DAC), Kerala State Industrial Development Corporation (KSIDC) and HLL Lifecare Limited .........